What's one of the easiest ways to guarantee being in a car accident? Answer: Ride another car's tail at high speeds towards stopped traffic.
The picture above is of a silver Charger being driven by a driver who decided that getting to the airport to pickup a friend or loved one was worth risking his life.
I'm sorry, but if you believe that, you deserve to spin-off the off-ramp and crash into a fiery blaze. The person or persons have landed safely. You're an off-ramp away from the airport. Slow the heck down and take it easy.
Well the driver he was tailgating was not having a great morning either and stepped on the brakes hard in front of the charger. So hard in fact that the car that braked seemed to make a little hop as it abruptly slowed down. The Charger was dangerously close to slamming into the braking car.
Now you're probably one of those people that likes to tailgate. I'd suggest there are easier ways to get killed. Look up "how to commit suicide" on google. I'm sure you'll find dozens of ways to handle your business. (Disclaimer: I am not suggesting anyone kill him or herself, but that if he or she does, to not do it on the road)
Two basic scenarios :
1. You're risking your life in case the car in front of you has to quickly stop due to some unforeseen event or miscalculated approach. Slam! More often than not, you will be held responsible.
2. The person you are tailgating will take drastic measures to express his or her content at your tail-riding. Also risky. Slam! More often than not, you will be held responsible unless you can prove that the driver who slammed on his or her brakes had malicious intent. Difficult to prove. Saying "He just slammed on the brakes" is not enough to prove it.
Conclusion: Stay the fudge away!
The faster you are driving, the more distance you must keep between your car and the car in front of you if you care about surviving an unpredictable situation. If the car in front of you suddenly has a blown tire or loses velocity quickly, you will need space and time to react. If you are too close, not only will you surely collide with the car in front of you, but are setting yourself up to cause a chain of collisions in which you are the target. Again, if you do not value your life, please find alternatives.
With love,
the ones who want to live another day.
and the Driving Dude.